Life insurance is an investment that can have significant benefits for many people in Ireland. At Life Compare, we work hard to find people the cover that suits them best, for the lowest price. 

Of course, there are a lot of variables when it comes to investing in life insurance. Such as what kind of cover you want and how long you want it for. 

Another variable when it comes to life insurance is the premium you pay. One of the biggest influences regarding how much you may have to pay to get insured is your smoking status. 

Life insurances will differ between smokers and non-smokers, sometimes significantly. 

life insurance smoking

Why smoking can affect your premium

People who smoke will face higher premiums than those you don’t. This is because they are seen as a greater risk than non-smokers. 

People who smoke, either regularly or sporadically, are more likely to contract serious medical conditions and face health problems. 

In Ireland, 1 in 2 smokers will die from tobacco-related diseases, according to the HSE.

What if I vape or use an e-cigarette?

Vapes and e-cigarettes are rapidly growing in popularity. However, they may not save you any money when it comes to your life insurance premiums. 

Some insurance companies may see vaping or the use of e-cigarettes in the same category as smoking, meaning you could face higher premiums.

vaping and life insurance

What if I rarely smoke?

You must tell your insurer your smoking status, even if this includes only smoking on an occasional basis. Some insurance companies may not consider occasional smokers to warrant an increased premium. 

You can get in touch with our team today and we can compare life insurance companies to see who may suit you best in this situation.

How much smoking can affect your life insurance premium

Smoking can have a significant impact on how much you may pay for your life insurance premium. A smoker can face a premium twice the amount of the premium of someone who does not smoke. 

In Ireland, you could pay 85% more for your life insurance premium if you are a smoker.

Are insurance companies allowed to let smoking affect your premium?

Yes, insurance companies are allowed to let smoking affect your premium. This is due to the fact that smoking causes legitimate bodily harm and puts you more at risk of health complications.

What happens if you lie about smoking to your insurance provider?

If you are caught lying about your smoking status, your insurer may not pay out your policy. This means that you could pay your premium for a significant amount of time and never receive any money from your policy when it is needed. 

For example, if you die and the autopsy shows that you were a smoker, your beneficiaries may not receive their death benefits.

Does quitting smoking affect my insurance premium?

You should be honest about any past smoking habits you used to have. However, if you have stopped smoking you will likely face a lower premium than if you currently do. 

As well as this, your premium may be reduced if you stop smoking after taking out life insurance. 

You will normally see a decrease in your premium once you have gone 12 months without smoking.

What else can affect your premium

There are several aspects that may impact your life insurance premium. This can include:

  • Age
  • Medical history
  • Lifestyle
  • Occupation
  • Gender
  • Family health history

You can discuss all of these elements with our team at Life Compare. Then, our experts can find a policy that suits your circumstance the best.

Who offers life insurance in Ireland

There are various life insurance providers in Ireland. We compare life insurance quotes from each company in order to find the right policy for you. 

Life insurance providers in Ireland include:

  • Zurich
  • Irish Life
  • Aviva
  • Friends First
  • New Ireland
  • Standard Life
  • Royal London

At Life Compare, we only deal with insurance companies which are regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland, making sure you get the right cover at the right price.

Get a life insurance quote today

You can get a life insurance quote today by using Life Compare. You can use our online calculator to get a quote within minutes. 

If you want to discuss your options in depth or have queries, then you contact our team, too. This can give you the opportunity to get more information on how life insurance premiums vary and how you may be affected. 

So don’t hesitate to get in touch today, our team is happy to help.

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