5 Ways To Reduce Your Life Insurance Cost

5 Ways To Reduce Your Life Insurance Cost

Written by

Mary O’Neill

Last edited


Life insurance is one of those things that we hope we never have to use. 

The reason to get life insurance is clear: it leaves a lump behind for your kids if something happens to you. 

But it’s not always clear how to get the lowest cost cover possible. Get your free personalised quotes.

Here are 5 ways you can reduce the cost of your life insurance:

Tip #1 – Choose a Shorter Policy Length

Most people get life insurance so that their kids don’t go broke if something happens to them. 

Choosing the length of time to be insured can bring down your policy costs. 

Say your youngest is 5 years old, you probably want your life insurance to be active until they turn 25, so they have time to start their career and get on their feet.

Choosing a reduced term will drastically reduce the cost of your cover.

Check price of discounted 10-year policy

Check price of discounted 20-year policy.

Tip #2 – Make Healthy Choices

Smoking, being too overweight, or excessive drinking can increase the cost of your premium. 

People can more than half their premiums by stopping smoking, reducing alcohol consumption and living a healthier lifestyle.

Tip #3 – Avoid Extreme Sports

Do not participate in extreme sports, these include activities like base jumping, hangliding, cave diving, parachute jumping, etc. 

By not participating regularly in these activities, you can significantly reduce your policy cost.

Tip #4 – Choose The Right Cover Amount

The amount of cover you have has a direct impact on your policy price.

The average policy people aim for is around €250,000. But depending on budget, it’s still much better to have €100,000 of coverage than to not be covered at all.

Price check a €150,000 life policy

Price check a €250,000 life policy

Tip #5 – Compare Every Policy (The Most Important!)

This is the most important point of all. 

There are 5 companies in Ireland offering life insurance, and the best way for you to save money on your policy is to get quotes from all 5 providers.

And, by using a free online life insurance quote calculator you will see discounted quotes that are 10–20% cheaper than going direct. 

Get Your Free Life Insurance Quotes


Mary O’Neill
Life Insurance Savings Officer

Mary is a Life Insurance Savings Officer and columnist who’s passionate about the complexities of life insurance. She shares expert tips on maximizing savings and ensuring financial security through her insightful articles.



Mary O’Neill
Life Insurance Savings Officer

Mary is a Life Insurance Savings Officer and columnist who’s passionate about the complexities of life insurance. She shares expert tips on maximizing savings and ensuring financial security through her insightful articles.

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